Are you ready for the

This is what Drosselgasse is all about:
144 meters of genuine German history.
144 meters of camaraderie and joie de vivre.
144 meters of bon vivants and good spirits.
Are you fit for Drosselgasse?

start yoursurvival-training

Survival-Training #1

Just say

It’s local dialect and can be used as a greeting, for ordering or as an alternative to “cheers” when clinking glasses. To survive on Drosselgasse, you need one word – "Gude"! It’s high time that you practise saying it:

Your turn:


continue tonext exercise

Survival-Training #2

Pump the
Wein glass!

To hold a lot of glasses, you need strong muscles! So, to prepare your arm for raising wine glasses at Drosselgasse, pump up your biceps using any object within your reach: your stapler, poodle, telephone …

it's gonnaget harder

Survival-Training #3

Time to get

“Schunkeling”, in German Schunkeln, is a major tradition, which can perhaps be described as a very jovial gymnastics move – and damn sexy.
To impress the locals at Drosselgasse, start training your swaying technique now.

You canhandle more?

Have you finished training?

Then it’s time to get going to Drosselgasse!

get going to the gasse!

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